We need a new function that can ask the game what kind of tiles are at a given spot. The code once we have that, would go something like:
WHEN: frogatto is on frame one, or frame 4 of his walk/run animations:
IF: There are grass tiles immediately under frogatto, then play the grass sound
ELSE: play the generic footfall sound (which sounds a tad like sand or gravel).
Adding new kinds of ground then would just be a matter of making another line for each.
And yes, I’ve been hoping to have footfall sounds for quite some time now - not only is this a useful resource for frogatto, but also for weregild and any number of other games. Footfalls are so subtle, but they’re just so damn powerful for giving an environment ambiance. I’d really like to expand frogatto’s tactile sounds (walking, shuffling, scraping, bumping, etc), so that creatures all make noise as they move around, and you can use more than just your eyes to know what’s going on around you.