[New User]Linus21 Here!


You’re infamous!


Famous for Spamming pronz? How tasteful. Everybody loves pron so it makes sense to keep linus around so that this website gets hits. B/c the internet rule is this “titz = hits!” I vote we make linus a super mod, effective immediately. No, an admin. No a webmaster! Just think of the awesome shenanigans that are sure to follow.


he spammed bad porn. shock stuff like lemonparty and meatspin. and if you made him an admin hed erase the source code for the website.


… which begs the question. Is there such a thing as GOOD pronz?

But at the time here you are saying he WOULD provide lemonparty and meatspin jpgs should he be made an admin… and in exchange for said services, we’d also have our source code deleted and have the privilege to begin again at square one?.. Acceptable tradeof, IMHO. I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLANGE. X3

Tbh, I think this situation has already become somewhat banal. (even by internet standards) We don’t need this forum to turn into a poo flinging initiative.


I think it is unbelievable that people are only registering on certain forums to discredit others. Why don’t you just let linus do what he wants?
If he does the same here, I’m quite sure our developers will take care of it very, very fast. I just see no sense to continue this bashing.
What does it achieve, other than ruining linus21 all chances to begin something new?



[quote=“Crendgrim, post:25, topic:205”]I think it is unbelievable that people are only registering on certain forums to discredit others. Why don’t you just let linus do what he wants?
If he does the same here, I’m quite sure our developers will take care of it very, very fast. I just see no sense to continue this bashing.
What does it achieve, other than ruining linus21 all chances to begin something new?
