Tileset Parallax Loading Bug (resolved)


I keep running into issues with level corruption, where individual tiles become messed up upon saving, exiting and re-opening my level. I’ve been trying to fix them, but it’s like playing whack-a-mole… they just pop up elsewhere.

I’m running [tt]Frogatto-dev-220412.exe[/tt], and I’ve attached the level I’m having problems with. If you load it up in the editor and move Frogatto around, you’ll notice inappropriate patches of dark forest leaves (maybe [tt]forest.png_leaf-silhouettes[/tt], not sure) at [tt]2944/210[/tt], [tt]3136/1184[/tt] and [tt]4000/1152[/tt]. However, upon using the tile rectangle tool and selecting the dark forest leaves texture, all the bad patches go away.

Note: I realize one of the pools seems to have two overlapping waters - just ignore that… it’s another issue I have from time to time. I haven’t had much luck deleting water controllers.

Edit: Changed the title to “tileset parallax loading bug”.

secluded_isle.cfg (70.2 KB)


Ohey – I actually had a look at the water controller. It seemed to work in the current version, so I guess it got fixed since then. :-\


I tried your level, and I see there are a bunch of leaf silhouette tiles scattered around it. Do you know if you actually placed them in the level at some point? Nothing other than deleting them would get rid of them for me though, so I didn’t see anything which definitively looked like an engine bug.

What I did is used the ‘layer checkboxes’ in the top right area to selectively disable tile layers to isolate the layer with the leaf silhouettes. Here is what a screenshot looks like. I’ve highlighted the checkboxes and some of the leaf silhouette tiles:

After isolating these unwanted tiles like this, you can just delete them all by right-click-dragging a huge rectangle over the entire level (assuming you want to get rid of them all).

Please let me know if this is indeed the problem you were talking about and if this fixed it for you.

And … nice level design aesthetic! Loved your level!



I’ve been using the leaf silhouettes to fill in holes of the background rock layer in caves and pools (it looks wrong to have the sky visible through an underwater hole). The problem is that when I initially load the level, there are leaf-silhouette tiles in places I never put them - and strangely they disappear upon selecting the leaf-silhouette texture in the texture palette.

Thanks for the compliment! I’m enjoying piggybacking off of Frogatto’s beautiful artwork. :smiley:


Ok, I think I figured out the problem… It seems like the parallax info isn’t restored when loading the level in the editor, until you select that particular tileset in the tileset pallete. So what I experience is:

[ol][li]I start painting with the leafy-silhouette, trying to fill in holes without having leaves protruding from behind edges in the background rock (even when viewed from many angles). Since I’ve selected the tileset from the palette, the parallax info has been loaded and I’m placing them so that they’re properly positioned when parallax is applied.[/li]
[li]I eventually save and exit.[/li]
[li]Upon reloading the level in the editor, the parallax info for the leafy-silhouette hasn’t been loaded, so the leafy-silhouettes look off by as much as a tile. This causes patches of leaves to completely jut out from behind the rock, where I never would have placed them, so the level appears severely broken.[/li]
[li]When I select the leafy-silhouettes in the tileset palette, it loads the parallax info, causing the leafy-silhouettes to return to the proper position, “fixing” the level.[/li][/ol]


A couple of other interesting things I noticed about parallaxing, though they may not be bugs:

[ul][li]Counter-intuitively, the leafy-silhouette’s parallaxing isn’t centered; the tiles match the unparallaxed position at the top right corner of the screen, not the center. Perfectly fine from a player’s perspective, though it exacerbates the next effect:[/li]
[li]It seems like the editor corrects for the parallax effect when painting/erasing tiles… But that can cause problems if you erase the parallaxed tile without restricting yourself to its layer. You end up deleting blocks on other layers that your cursor doesn’t look near (but which have the same unparallaxed position).[/li][/ul]


Okay, I checked in an attempt to fix this. Please try it out and let me know if it works for you!


Ok, I got a new build from Krista^, and it works great for me. :smiley: