The Light Green Book of Frogatto is a short document, made for printing as a game manual. It contains stuff like a short list of enemies, hidden hotkeys, and a page on the level editor. Very basic stuff, it is a small book. Turned out rather cute.
Since the book is made for double-sided printing, it won’t be in order if you read it sequentially on your computer. Binding instructions:
[ul][li]Print image 1 on the back of image 0, making sure both images are pointed ‘up’.[/li]
[li]Fold this paper in half so the title faces out. Remember which way you folded it.[/li]
[li]Print image 3 on the back of image 2. Print image 5 on the back of image 4.[/li]
[li]Fold both pieces of paper the way you folded the first piece of paper.[/li]
[li]Put piece of paper #1 inside piece of paper #0. Put piece of paper #2 after piece of paper #1 inside piece of paper #0.[/li]
[li]Staple spine.[/li][/ul]
Download: light green
Source: light green