I have delivered the golden ant and explored all of Rock-a-fort inside and out, up and down to the best of my knowledge and revisited everything on the map. What now? I can’t find anything new in the game.
Stuck in the game
At the top right corner of Rock-a-Fort, there should be an exit to a place called Flooded Caverns. From there, you should be able to just keep going right until you get to town.
On the right side of that hill with the two cave entrances pointing to the left, there’s a small bridge you have to drop off of. Then you cross the waterway and you’ll be close to the exit to Flooded Caverns.
Hmm. This isn’t the first time I hear of someone getting stuck in Rock-a-Fort.
Thanks! I thought I had explored everywhere uderwater, but I missed that one. Maybe place a coin there to lure players down?
i thought i would just put my problem on here sense i dont know how 2 open new dumbo me…i am stuck in darkness central i can get up any of the entrances is there a way i missed?

Near the middle, there’s this part with these bridges, just go up that narrow path above frogatto; after that, head right.