Sequence breakzorz!


im in ur castle breakin ur sequencez

Nah, I’m just kidding. I just managed to get somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be and I’m plumb chipper about it.

I… accept my ban with quiet dignity :’(


How did you do that? :o


Take a ride on a milgram-block.


Oh. Duh.


Breaking news: This is actually a very serious bug!
I somehow got frogatto to respawn endlessly below the raised platform bridge.
Testing some more to see why; the checkpoint is a few tiles before the cliff, frogatto should be respawning over solid terrain.


Wait, no! None of those are what happened in my screenshot. I didn’t ride the block down, and I didn’t spawn with the bridge in the wrong place. I walked up to the canyon with the bridge where it was, jumped, turned in mid-air, and then then wall-jumped onto the bridge.

Whatever happened to Marcavis might be something to check into, but I just made a very precise jump that took me upwards of ten tries to hit perfectly. And all I got as a result was that I got to cross that gap without hitting the switch.


I was able to reproduce your way too, ActionJack. I’ve moved the bridges three tiles higher, and now the sequence is fixed. :slight_smile:


Aww. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

Guess I’ll just have to be content with my tongue that extends off the screen.

(don’t worry, that’s been fixed too)