Save names are in English


Then I load a saved game, the name of fhe level appears in English most of the time, even if the level name appears translated in the game itself.


Ahhh, yes, thanks for the reminder.
At first I was thinking "…what? did we forget to apply this fix to the RC builds?"
Turns out we haven’t fixed that yet.
To any devs lurking, we’ll have to make translatable the output of sd.title in line 84 of modules/frogatto/data/objects/playable/menu_selector_load_game.cfg.





GunChleoc, you can apply DDR’s fix to your game; just save
over your current modules/frogatto/data/objects/playable/menu_selector_load_game.cfg data file;
I’m not quite sure where your top-level Frogatto folder will be, though.


It’s working, thanks! :smiley: