Permission for a Frogatto Port?


Hio Frogatto’s,

At first: you’ve done an amazing work. I really like and enjoy your game since the first builds (~ this pixel art is awesome) :smiley:

Now to the topic:

I’d like to ask if you would allow a port of Frogatto to the Pandora ?

The Pandora ? The cursed women who brought demise over the world through opening a box ?
Well, not really. It’s an community driven open Handheld console with good capabilities. The Pandora is quite portable and got many input options (click), as well as supporting gamers/developers bringing their games to the console (~ since its fully open source, beside the construction plans which will be released after enough consoles got sold, there are less interests of commercial projects). A few games allready got a port - like Battle of Wesnoth - but since the first customers got their units just a month ago, their still rare :-\

You released the source code of Frogatto under the GPL, except the core files to prevent any kind of modification. Since it would be great to enjoy a “portable Frogatto” (~ guess NDS & PSP got not the fitting controls), I’d hope you give us the permission and allow us to make a portation of the game :slight_smile:


Get the source code working on there. We’re not going to release the current art as GPL, but we’ve got some old, and quite good art which we would welcome being opened, if you’re able to get the code up to snuff. We’re similarly interested in getting it working on android, and on the GP2X Wiz.

If you can get the source code working on there, you’ve already done a huge benefit for the OSS community at large. We’re also just really interested in frogatto’s code being used to help other game projects get off the ground.


Another thing is - we’d be very interested in a sort of “humble indie bundle” type thing where if we raise some big enough pile of cash, the whole game, art and all, becomes completely open-source.


We’ve discussed this and if you port it to Pandora we will grant you a license to ship the content with the game for specific use on the Pandora. I am guessing you want to distribute it for free, which is fine. If you want to sell it, contact me and we can discuss a royalty deal.


Thanks, really appreciate your permission and sure we want distribute it for free. Never would think about getting benefits for others work (~ so no sell !) :slight_smile:

I will keeping you updated of the status and tell you when we got Frogatto running at the Pandora / WIZ / GP2X. We will of course linking to the main site and pointing out at your donation button :wink:

Keeping up your great work :smiley:


I would be interested to know if a similiar arrangement could be done for AmigaOS4?
The game looks jawdroppingly good, one of the better looking indie platformers i have seen, beats most commercial oldskool platformers from back in the day even. I am very impressed!


does all versions of frogatto use glew and boost? we have neither on amigaos4 i think, so that would need to be tackled at first if that is the case. what is glew used for?


GLEW is unnecessary on devices with strict, uniform hardware (e.g. iPhone, GP2X, Pandora), but would be necessary on devices with disparate hardware (computers, android). What it does, is it detects which features of OpenGL your hardware actually supports. When you ask OpenGL to do something, and it doesn’t actually support it, OpenGL proper tends to degrade (especially with color-blending and such) very messily.

It’s always a tradeoff, what OpenGL shoots for is letting a program still run, and just causing that one element to screw up, visually. They don’t try to do that thing in software (which would kill the framerate), and they don’t try to ‘guess’ what you intended to do, and do something equivalent (which would likely guess wrong part of the time). Last but most important, they don’t “fail hard” and just quit the program, which could have been another design solution.

GLEW lets you detect what is/isn’t supported, and either turn the thing off completely, or use another thing that looks similar. :-\ And actually, the omission of that ability to detect what is/isn’t supported from core OpenGL is rather awkward.

Boost unfortunately is almost absolutely necessary, for the regex part. Our entire tiling engine is based on regex.



Boost unfortunately is almost absolutely necessary, for the regex part. Our entire tiling engine is based on regex.

Which version of boost are minimum for ? We have on aos4 1.33.1 version, include regex part. But dunno will that version modern enough for the game.


I think 1.33 is not new enough. We use 1.37, and I forget what the issue was, but I remember there being some issue with earlier boost versions (we probably don’t need 1.37, but close to that). Also, we use Boost for a bunch of different things; smart pointers, functors, etc.