Need help!


First of all, I downloaded this game from Apple a couple days ago and have been really enjoying it. So, well done, and thanks!

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I’m really stuck on one part of the game and need help. I’m in the Danger House, where I think the key to the gate is supposed to be found. I made it into the basement where there seems to be no option but to hop over the block thingies that fall down as soon as you land on them. I’ve tried dozens of times and can’t seem to navigate them. I just keep falling to my death. It seems impossible to me. Maybe I’m just really uncoordinated, but did manage to get through all the other houses and areas before the locked gate.

Any tips or advice?



You have to go up, rather than just right, and wall-jump to get to the top. Here’s an illustration.


Honestly, I really may have overdone that part. In the current release, it’s mandatory that you finish it, and it’s dramatically harder than areas around it.

I may fork that: turn the existing bit a little harder, and make it a secret area with a bonus reward, and then replace the existing puzzle with something considerably easier.


Oh, thank you! That was a more detailed answer than I was expecting. It was the wall jump I didn’t think of. Once I got that, the rest was smooth sailing. Now if I can just manage not to be killed by the guy with the machete… I think I’ll get it eventually.


You may find it quite a bit easier to simply get a running start from the 4th block from left to right and jump directly to the 6th block. Way easier than trying to get to block 5 imo.


Yeah I did the running jump, it took me a few tries to realize I had to do it, and a few more to get it without hitting my head.
I never even considered the wall jump.

Jetrel I’d love to see a whole section of hard pure-platforming (no, or few enemies) levels. Perhaps there could be a time trial mode added.


You guys are crazy, that’s way harder! Practice wall jumping, and it’s really quite easy.


OK, I tried to avoid coming back for more help because I like figuring things out for myself. But now I’m in the Elder’s house and and I’ve tried about 50 times to fight the boss, but I can never get in more than about 3 hits before he kills me. Is it just me, or is this a really uneven match? Maybe I’m not doing it right–I’m trying to stomp on his head. I’ve figured out that if you let him come after you when you’re near a wall, you can strike while his machete is stuck in the wall. I considered that maybe the trick was to grab the weapon out of his hand with my tongue, but that didn’t seem to work. Also, it seems like after I hit him, he has some kind of immunity that doesn’t allow another strike for a few seconds. Basically, this seems like the end of the line for me, which is sad because I was really enjoying everything else about the game. Unless I’m missing something crucial. I’m not an experienced gamer, so maybe that’s the problem.


Personally I think his immunity lasts too long too. One thing that makes it a lot easier, is to jump up to the second story where there’s less stuff to get in your way when you’re jumping on him. It’s all about waiting for him to charge, at a good distance, then jumping out of the way (over him) at the right time. Then, when he’s not invulnerable, jump on him.


Wow! I can’t believe I finally beat him after many, many tries and with only one green heart left. I had a kind of round-about solution. I ran back into the elevator house, went up to the top level, swallowed one of those robot toaster thingies, exited from the top, ran into Central house to refresh at the fountain, then went into the elder house. As soon as the fight began, I spat the robot at him and jumped up to the top level. That gave me the advantage I needed to finish him off. It still took me about five more tries even with that trick, and of course I saved the game before I went into the elder house just in case and ran back to the outhouse right after I won so I don’t have to go through that again!


I’m trying to use your technique but it’s days I can’t beat the sword bandit… any help?


My technique for beating him was to move quickly between the different levels of the arena, combined with the bring-in-toasterbot trick. Basically, when he charges an attack, make sure you are on a cardinal direction of him; once you’re sure he’s locked on to you, move to another area, keeping away from cardinal directions of him. Preferably, get somewhere where you can easily reach him yet not be reached if he decides to change attack halfway. The hit and run maneuvers, basically.


And yes, that is the end of the game.


thanks for the suggestion!
few attempts after my post I managed to beat him :smiley: