Idea: a monster that changes type after you swallow-and-spit it (example given on irc was a grub that morphs into a butterfly).
[quote=“RyanReilly, post:6, topic:138”]^ lol
Some kinda enemy that shoots out virtual bullet hell could be really interesting. Probably not too difficult in regards to implementing geometry algorithms either from a programming standpoint… of course what do I know. I’m just a musician.
Actually, bullet hell is really easy to do. Let’s explain something so you will be illuminated.
The trick with difficulty-in-implementing anything is that … basically everything in frogatto has to be done by giving things numerical “velocity” in X and Y (sometimes acceleration too, but velocity is the easy to understand one).
So, a really trivial job is figuring out a question like aiming a constant-speed shot. You figure out the proportions for where the player is; to make this easy, let’s say the player is at (0,0), and the shooter is at (300,100). So he’s 300 pixels to the right, and 100 ticks up, shooting down at the player. If I want him to aim that shot, it needs to go 3 pixels across, for every 1 pixel it goes down… and we can do that directly! We give the shot “velocity_x = -3, and velocity_y= -1”, and it’ll go 3 pixels to the left, and 1 pixel down for every frame of the game. That’d be slow, so we’d probably multiply it by some factor, but it’s really easy to figure out.
For a bullet hell thing, we’d just space out several of these at the same time; one shot might be (-3,-3), another (-4,-2), another (-5,-1), and then (-6,0), (-5,1), (-4,2), (-3,1), (-2,2). That’d give us a (slightly uneven) 90? spread shooting to the left.
Doing stuff involving curves and circles is where it gets ugly and involves trigonometry. 
Nitpicking nerd notice: Yes, I flipped to a regular cartesian orientation. Sod off.