Meaning of names in Frogatto


I wonder if there are word-jokes and other stuff in the names in Frogatto that i do not understand or see as easilly as a fluentlly speaking in english.
If there are maybe some of the names should be translated in different languages to keep it funny.

the most obvius one can?t be translated I guess, but thats life…
and that am of course…

it mil-[i]-gram (couse it sounds the same in english as swedish i think? miligram, the small wieght, pretty funny with such a “light” enemy…)

any other names in that style?

Lot of the names of houses are also a bit “joking” in that way but they are normaly easier to see.



Well, Milgram is actually named after the psychologist Stanley Milgram; some time ago I had made the same guess as you, only to be redirected to that wikipedia article :wink:
As for the others…
Chopple happens to be some kind of store, though if I were to guess he was only named that for alliteration… “Chopple’s shop”.
There’s also “Jeeves”, that always seems to be the name of a butler when it appears in movies/TV shows, which probably has a cognate in Swedish… it was “Jarbas” in my Brazilian Portuguese translation.


Chopple might be a reference to:
1] “Chop Shops”, where stolen goods (almost always automobiles) are disassembled to sell their parts. It’s like laundering money; sell a piece here, and a piece there, and pretty soon the whole thing is too big of a mess to track easily.

2] that he’s a vegetable, and those things get chopped when they’re cooked. Usually.

3] it’s also obviously a rhyme on “shop.”

I didn’t name him.


[quote=“Jetrel, post:3, topic:235”]1] “Chop Shops”, where stolen goods (almost always automobiles) are disassembled to sell their parts. It’s like laundering money; sell a piece here, and a piece there, and pretty soon the whole thing is too big of a mess to track easily.

2] that he’s a vegetable, and those things get chopped when they’re cooked. Usually.

3] it’s also obviously a rhyme on “shop.”[/quote]

thinking about going for number 3 and naming Chopple “H?ndel” in swedish.
“H?ndels Handelsbod” will be his shop, funny sounding of the shop make me think of it.

handelsbod = an old name for a general store that had everything
H?ndel= sounds like “handel” (trade) and is the famous compositor

bad or good idea to rename him?



That sounds good! We’re very positive to translators having this kind of liberty with their work on the script.

Say, as an example, I’ve named the “Pocket Money” achievement “Capital Inicial” in my translation. Besides meaning “Initial capital” (thus, retaining more or less the original meaning), it’s also the name of one of the biggest rock bands in Brazil.