For the Next Version of Frogatto, we’re planning some nice new forest content. (This is one reason it’s taking so bloody long.) Jetrel and I have come up with some mechanics which may or may not be feasible. Does anyone have any comments or further ideas for forest level mechanics?
[list]List o’ Ideas:
[ul][li]stuff depending on you bending tree limbs[/li]
[li]stuff depending on setting foliage on fire[/li]
[li]stuff depending on feeding certain things to certain plants (such as to make a vine grow),[/li]
[li]get large object to switch[/li]
[li]match two puzzles[/li]
[li]a sort of scale thing, which you put multiple stacked objects on to to weigh it down.[/li]
[li]a level with a bunch of standable platforms, all identical, but with some solid, and some fake. A switch reveals which are which.[/li]
[li]the “river” level. A constant stream of logs feed out of an off-screen inaccessible area, and proceed forward over rapids.[/li]
[li]They had one courtyard with an enormous catapult; you had to (through trial and error, ugh) set the catapult to the right height, in order to launch yourself into a tower window.[/li]
[li]you needed the broom power to clean the dust off of flowers on one level.[/li]
[li]Another idea, from Torrin’s Passage, had Torrin lure a monster away from his post by playing back re-arranged fragments of sound crystals. Essentially, splicing an analog tape… ‘Get away from me, you crazy old creep!’ becomes, after some fiddling, ‘Come here, Dreep.’ (the name of the monster).[/li]
[li]something which you controlled by pressing the left and right arrows for left and right rockets?[/li]
[li]brambles that are on a horizontal wall are kind of a retarded omission[/li]
[li]Now, imagine frogatto can get some sort of “magic water drop”. If frogatto spits the drop into the vine’s pot, the vine quickly grows up to a set maximum height.[/li]
[li]There are 3 pullchains outside. You have to pull them in the right sequence of 3 pulls.[/li]
[li]myst island 1] clock tower had 3 gears, 2 levers. You needed a specific combo on the 3 gears, but the two levers caused not one, but two gears to shift, and both in different amounts.[/li]
[li]myst island 2] voltage to the rocket had to be a specific amount. You had to turn on a series of generators to provide “just enough”.[/li]
[li]channelwood island was built around a puzzle of “supplying power” to certain lifts and such - and to get later ones on, you’d have to cut power to earlier ones.[/li]
[li]Could do a circuit puzzle with the generator thingy.[/li]
[li]Humongous Entertainment-style level differences.[/li][/ul]
So, can anyone think of any more?