[latest git] Bugs/details found on play-through


While playing through the current version I had found some bugs and other details that I think it would be good to take note of, so I’ll be adding them here, hoping they could be of some use ;D

BUG 1. rock-a-fort level had an elevator un-attached from its rope.

Detail 1. when there are objects on layers closer to the screen than Frogatto, he gets rendered behind them as should be; but as he runs, his trail does not get properly rendered. It comes rendered as the topmost thing. (that’s very easy to see on secret passages – I would name a perfect spot but that could become a spoiler for players).


OK, I’ve fixed up the platform, and tweaked the cloud zorders to work better. However, we’ll see what Jetrel has to say, he might want to fix it differently.


Thank you DDR for finding use in my posts!. Well here I go with a newly found one:

Detail 2. In the “perturbed” Crevice Village, the 2 rotating elevators that go up to the “danger house” are also disconnected from their ropes. (they are actually using the old graphics, but thats possibly fine for those specific 2)

And another that I just remembered, this one is from the very beginning:

Detail 3. In the new versions the $1 coins are silver in color, but the tutorial Hints refers to them as golden coins. It also mentions other golden things, but fails to mention silver coins.

BUG 2. Well, this can definitely be taken as a bug if by mistake left like this: After sanitizing Crevice Village, supposedly all kitties left and all, but the “danger house” has NOT been sanitized at all. It’s still in its “perturbed” state and full of kitties.

Detail 4. In “twisted trees” level there is an elevator that when going down goes way more than it should, as much as actually going a little bit through the floor.


And a big BUG here:

BUG 3. The “time_powerup” is everlasting now!. Its energy bar does not diminish at all.
*** And the “time_powerup” is actually eternal now as it even gets saved (I mean, saving and re-loading, even after stoping the run, brings back the everlasting “time_powerup”). :o
Luckily, after dying, the nasty powerup goes away.

(And by the way, that also happens with the fire-throwing skill hidden on “D”)

(and also the “energy_shot_ability” skill which is now hidden there also, does not get recharged by eating “points_cubes”, what could maybe not be the desired behavior)

Detail 5. When “time_powerup” is on, Frogatto’s tongue stays back quite a lot when jumping and doing a tongue attack in any direction. can stay back from frogatto’s body as much distance ads the size of Frogatto!


What exactly do you mean by “current version”? Are we talking about a stable version you got off the web site? Or a build from git?




Yep, a build from Git, that I got just 15 hours ago.

Yes, probably you all are working those things right now and probably breaking them and putting them back together while I write.
But I only ment to take note of anything I find, as it could be useful to have it written, as a reference, so nothing gets overlooked latter. :wink:

Greetings! :slight_smile:


Okay no problem – we appreciate your bug reports. :slight_smile: And yes for future reference please say “latest git” or such to make it clearer.

And yes, we will try to resolve all these things. :slight_smile:


consider it done! ;D


Detail 6. The “Save-Room” on the “killer bunnies” level still has the behavior of the old “rest rooms”
(that is, it still asks if one wants to save or not).

BUG 4. The “bunny ball tosser”'s balls cause NO damage to Frogatto at all. I had the feeling that this was happening, but I just confirmed it. mmmm, no, hat’s not the case, actually it is that somehow the damage done to Frogatto is not being shown on the HUD, but the damage is there, and Frogatto dies. (i had notticed Frogatto dying sometimes after 1 and only hit having most of his hearts, but was not sure how to explain it)
So now, I have to make sure if this was the case from the very beginning or if somehow my character got bugged (if that were the case, I imagine it could have something to do with the “time_powerup” bug).


[quote=“InquirerK, post:9, topic:267”]BUG 4. The “bunny ball tosser”'s balls cause NO damage to Frogatto at all. I had the feeling that this was happening, but I just confirmed it. mmmm, no, hat’s not the case, actually it is that somehow the damage done to Frogatto is not being shown on the HUD, but the damage is there, and Frogatto dies. (i had notticed Frogatto dying sometimes after 1 and only hit having most of his hearts, but was not sure how to explain it)
So now, I have to make sure if this was the case from the very beginning or if somehow my character got bugged (if that were the case, I imagine it could have something to do with the “time_powerup” bug).[/quote]

Well, it seems my hunch was right, The “bunny ball tosser”'s balls cause NO damage to Frogatto at all but only when the “time_powerup” bug has ocurred, and only if one hits the balls at high speed (running or run-jumping) .

Anyway, this other bug does not depend on the “time_powerup” bug:

BUG 5. The flying plants (probably “helicopter_plant”)'s bullets cause NO damage ever to Frogatto. While the non-flying version’s bullets DO damage him.


And this one is very terrible, it actually destroyed my game save :frowning:
(or something like that)

BUG 6. If you have a save state in a slot, and then you create a new game file and save it to another of the slots, then quit (to the main menu) and try to load the first save, you get the following ERROR, rendering the older save unavailable:

/Frogatto//save.cfg PARSE ERROR: : line 2651 col 8: Repeated attribute: 0
/Frogatto//save3.cfg PARSE ERROR: : line 2651 col 8: Repeated attribute: 0
SET SAVE FILE PATH TO …/Frogatto//save3.cfg
in level constructor…
/Frogatto//save3.cfg PARSE ERROR: : line 2651 col 8: Repeated attribute: 0
done building…7731
LAYER -20 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -15 BUILT 11275 tiles
LAYER -12 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -10 BUILT 11343 tiles
LAYER -8 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -7 BUILT 3 tiles
LAYER -4 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -3 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -2 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER -1 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 0 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 3 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 4 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 10 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 11 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 13 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 20 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 30 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 45 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 50 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 51 BUILT 0 tiles
LAYER 55 BUILT 0 tiles
done building tile_map…8112
done level constructor: 522
ERROR: In object at …/Frogatto//save3.cfg 4097 (column 4) attribute for “x_schedule” was “2118,2116,2114,2112,2111,2110,2109,2109,2109,2109,2108,2109,2109,2109,2109,2110,2111,2112,2114,2116,2118,2120,2122,2124,2125,2126,2127,2127,2127,2127,2128,2127,2127,2127,2127,2126,2125,2124,2122,2120”, which is a string, must be a list
FORMULA: data/objects/props-interactive/locks/padlock.cfg 46 (column 10)[map(filter(doc.animation, value.rect = [0,0,15,15]), ‘anim’, set(anim.rect, [64,0,79,15]))]
…/frogatto/MacOS/…/src/variant.cpp:121 ASSERTION FAILED: type error


sigh… I was about to do the whole speed run but this killed me :-\


Hooooly smokes, stuff is broken. :o

So, here’s a list of stuff I haven’t fixed:

Detail 2. In the “perturbed” Crevice Village, the 2 rotating elevators that go up to the “danger house” are also disconnected from their ropes. (they are actually using the old graphics, but that’s possibly fine for those specific 2) I have temporarily replaced this with a standard rope platform until the new version is ready.

BUG 3. The “time_powerup” is everlasting now!. Its energy bar does not diminish at all.
*** And the “time_powerup” is actually eternal now as it even gets saved (I mean, saving and re-loading, even after stoping the run, brings back the everlasting “time_powerup”). :o
Luckily, after dying, the nasty powerup goes away.
(And by the way, that also happens with the fire-throwing skill hidden on “D”)
(and also the “energy_shot_ability” skill which is now hidden there also, does not get recharged by eating “points_cubes”, what could maybe not be the desired behavior)

Detail 5. When “time_powerup” is on, Frogatto’s tongue stays back quite a lot when jumping and doing a tongue attack in any direction. can stay back from Frogatto’s body as much distance ads the size of Frogatto!

Detail 6. The “Save-Room” on the “killer bunnies” level still has the behavior of the old “rest rooms”
(that is, it still asks if one wants to save or not). Marcavis got this one yesterday. Thanks, Marcavis!

Bunny Bouncing Ball Bug - they’re not causing damage consistently.

BUG 6. If you have a save state in a slot, and then you create a new game file and save it to another of the slots, then quit (to the main menu) and try to load the first save, you get the following ERROR, rendering the older save unavailable:


Actually, about BUG 3 (“the time_powerup is everlasting now!. Its energy bar does not diminish at all”), I think it has to do with the fact that that skill seems to be using the old “energy bar”.

That is, all the skill seems to be using the a newer version of the “energy bar” (and visually affecting the bar on the nice new HUD), but that specific skill does not affect the newer bar. Furthermore it is still showing the old bar (which gets never consumed). That is what makes me think that there is a reminiscent different “energy bar” on that skill.


That sounds very, very likely.