Context: after defeating the Mushroom Boss, Frogatto begins to think out loud while traversing the wastes.
(Frogatto runs downhill)
When I woke up today, I was worried about being unproductive.
Now I’m worried about being boiled alive in acid.
What am I even doing out here?
I’m walking across the world, through places where everything wants me dead.
All to barge in on a man who just invaded my home with a proper army.
If I can even make it there alive, what happens next?
(Frogatto steps into a tight area. Gates close behind and in front of him)
He’s probably just going to lock me in prison for the rest of my life.
(Frogatto finds a switch that opens the gates)
But what choice do I have?
(Frogatto runs uphill)
My whole life, I’ve been waiting around to see what comes to me.
It’s time to get out there and look life in the eyes.
And if I can defeat a gargantuan incarnation of nature’s corruption…
…then I should be able to punch an angry billionaire in the face until he’s nice to me.
Time to get action.