I went through approximately the exact same thing. I had actually wanted to help neorice program a rather different game based on a different screenshot of his, but couldn’t get my shit together. It was this screenshot: http://neoriceisgood.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d11n0kz In hindsight, I was definitely not ready to bootstrap a project totally on my own; we had enough trouble doing frogatto as a combined team. I mean, really, I didn’t even start - I’d just stated the intention to, and never got it rolling. When I found out he was doing frogatto, I immediately wanted to get involved, because I really needed the programming experience, and a platformer was something I’d always wanted to do. As time went on, to my mild dismay, I gradually had to chip in more and more to get artwork actually finished, and by the end of the project, I was working more on art than anything else.
I still think I learned a lot about programming, though. Chiefly, I think one of the unexpected benefits was getting really good at “thinking in FML/FFL”, because FFL (the Frogatto Formula Language) is apparently very similar to Haskell/Lisp; most especially in the idea of being built out of “lists” which get evaluated. It’s a (nearly) “pure functional” programming language, which although they don’t get used so much in the wild, yet, is going to be one of the things that becomes more and more important in programming due to how computers are moving to massive parallelism and it’s so deeply amenable to that in ways procedural languages simply can’t be (also avoids entire categories of bugs by default).
It also just makes me think better, as a programmer. I actually wonder if I’d have ever been able to “crack” the basic gist of how they work without being eased into it like this.
So anyways, I joined around the same time Ben did, I think, and I quickly realized we were without a musician. Since rain’s work was rotting over at allacrost, :’( and since he really seemed to “get” the basic nintendo vibe that’s necessary to do this kind of music (much like jazz, you either get it or you don’t), he was pretty much perfect, so I grabbed him and it was a match made in heaven.