Frogatto no longer supported on Mac PowerPC


I have a Mac and have a PowerPC chip. When I downloaded and tried to launch the Dev build of Frogatto it was no longer supported on my architecture. Sadly I will nolonger be able to make updated mods for Frogatto. I’m stuck now in 1.1.1 of Frogatto. If you could make a PowerPC version I would love that.


That’s odd, I think Jetrel (our mac compiler atm) is running a PPC. I’ll try to catch him on IRC later, I don’t think he’s around atm.


Yeah, I’ve stopped making the “official” builds on my PPC, because the mac community is moving on (a key thing is I must make i386-only builds for the mac appstore).

You, however, are in luck, because for some time to come, I’m still gonna be doing my primary work on my PPC tower, and I can upload copies for you from time to time. I’ll post back later tonight once I have one up.

#4 :-*


;D Thanks! Ive never met a fellow PPC user…


This is the only not-dead link I’ve seen that still downloads today