Feature request


Hi! In this topic i want say about few lacks things. First, need GUI to configure game. Second, need any method to configure controls, while gui is absent. Third, in windows version fully absent help about options to invoke frogatto.exe (–fullscreen --no-sound etc).


Yeah, we’re planning on getting that done for the next release. We’re starting with sound settings, then I guess input settings will be next.

Right now the only way to change the controls is by editing the C++ (search for SDLK_s and SDLK_a for attack/jump).

Right now the only way to change the controls is by editing the C++ (search for SDLK_s and SDLK_a for attack/jump).
...and SDLK_UP, SDLK_DOWN, SDLK_LEFT, SDLK_RIGHT for movement keys :) Thanks, it's works!


Cool, glad you got it working. Hopefully we’ll have configurable controls for the next release.