Crevice Village design flaws


1] the grey key is really easy to lose, because dropping it off-level is not persistent. You step off a level for a moment, and it’s gone. I think carryable keys are a fun mechanic, but trying to use them across several levels is just outside the scope of their design. Even if we made them persistent and made them not get deleted on level-switching, we’d have to deal with the nightmare of players possibly tossing them into inaccessible places - which we have no way to detect in our engine, and I don’t think is possible to rigorously detect.

Proposed solution: switch to a system of using gigantic mario/kirby-style switches for major unlocks like this.

2] the fan house eats the grey key.

Proposed solution: Don’t have a grey key; see above.

3] the transition of houses from “monster dungeons” to “small npc houses” post-liberation renders heart pieces still uncollected in them permanently inaccessible.

Proposed solution: I think “story-segment-constrained” levels like this (which you can only get at during part of the story) are good for story reasons, and I think we can get around this issue by never putting permanent rewards in such levels. It’s arguable that this might neuter the reward mechanic for exploring them, though - however, if we change coins to being unlimited, which is planned, then fully exploring the houses can simply yield “big cash prizes” at the points heart segments are currently hidden at.

  1. I like that one; the fact that that specific heart piece is missable also concerns me. Making one appear in some secret compartment in the pacified house would be a compromise, but it’d be probably hacky and awkward.


Yeah, I thought about that solution too, and didn’t like it.


Don’t we just have to label the second chest the same as the first chest? Then each’ll match the other in whatever variable the event is stored in.


Yes, but more significantly, we would have to create an entire second challenge for the second version of the chest. We can’t give out the reward for no challenge - that’s unbalanced in exactly the way I described last night - if players realize they can get all the same rewards by just skipping the houses, coming back in, and finding a neat row of chests holding the puzzles that were in those houses, then that will become the default behavior. They might be fooled on the first playthrough, but anytime after, that puzzle is ruined.

Likewise we can’t just not shrink the houses, because the milgramen have to leave according to the story, and running through the empty house would be tedious (the lack of enemies would remove all the challenge).

There’s no way for this solution to not be messy, somehow.


Since the heart is, iirc, in a secret passage, can’t we just keep the secret passage between levels? I mean, it’s still secret, and that seemed to me to be the puzzle there. Yeah, it’s not a general solution, but I don’t know that we have very many parts. :-\


There are at least 3 hearts, 2 of which are in plain sight. Aka: no.

