When I attempt to start any module which uses Frogatto as a dependency (such as Elisa and Weregild), I get an Assertion Error:
Assertion failed
formula.cpp:838 ASSERTION FAILED: Unknown symbol 'screen_shake' in custom_obj At modules/frogatto/data/objects/playable/frogatto_playable.cfg 2705:
level.player.screen_shake( if(facing = 1,180,0), 30, 20,15)
It then lists all known symbols, which include _ data, accel _ x, arg, and many others.
Does anyone know a fix for this, or, at least, why this happens?
I got the latest of both Anura and Frogatto sources and compiled from source yesterday. I have gotten the latest Weregild and Elisa folders today.
Thank you in advance.